In this sermon series, iHope, Dr. Anderson teaches what biblical hope is and why we as believers can be confident in a future that God has planned for us. Beyond a wish and a dream, Dr. Anderson defines hope as a Holy Optimism based on Positive Expectations!

Sunday March 7, 2021: From Hopeless to Hopeful – Dr. David Anderson

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When Jesus was born, God brought a messiah into the world that gave humanity hope. The power of a newborn baby to bring a sense of hope is a grace we see every day. The incarnation of Jesus was indeed hope embodied. While the Jews were hoping for a national messiah God was bring to earth an eternal messiah. Dr. Anderson will teach from Philippians 2:5-11.

Sunday March 14, 2021: Filling Up Your Hope TankDr. David Anderson

How can we increase our hope tanks so that we can be “Hope-FULL”? Dr. Anderson teaches us how to fill up when our hope is decreasing in order to keep us moving toward our better selves and our best future.

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Sunday March 21, 2021: Feeling Like a Middle Child: Understanding the Relationship between Faith, Hope, & Love – Dr. David Anderson

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We are told in 1 Corinthians 13:13 that the greatest between faith, hope, and love is indeed love. We are also taught that it is by faith that we come into a relationship with God, and that “without faith it is impossible to please God.” (Hebrews 11:6) So what’s up with the middle child named Hope? Dr. Anderson explores the power and presence of hope in our lives so we don’t neglect the important role hope has in the family of our faith.

Sunday March 28, 2021: Fellowshipping with Others to Keep Hope Alive – Dr. David Anderson

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Dr. Anderson reminds us that hope in isolated can wane fast, but fellowship with other believers can collectively feed our hope and strengthen our faith. The Holy Spirit helps to optimize our hope when the spirit of unity is at work in our church and in our lives. Dr. Anderson will bring this lesson home as we study Romans 15:4-7 & 12-13.