Have you ever wondered what the Bible says about kissing?

I know you were probably hoping for some kind of spicy Bible romance passage – there are plenty of them in the scriptures – but the verse I’m thinking about is probably not about what you’re thinking.

Psalm 85:10 says, “Justice and peace have kissed.”

At this point, you’re probably feeling like I tricked you. But now that you’re here, check out this verse and let’s think about it for a minute. Psalm 85:10 could be translated to say, “Mercy and truth meet together; justice and peace have kissed.”

Justice and peace have kissed. Isn’t that some powerful imagery?

We know a kiss to be intimate. We know a kiss communicates trust. We know a kiss says something about the relationship between the two that kiss. You can probably remember your first kiss, and I bet you don’t have to think too hard to remember whom you kissed last. So, when this verse says that “justice and peace have kissed,” it makes us think a little bit deeper about the relationship between the two.

For any of us who have seen images, video, or attended a public demonstration that calls for action to address issues of injustice, we have heard the rally call “NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!” These calls for justice come from a deep place of pain when looking at the past, and, at the same time, they look in hope toward setting things right for the future.

You might recognize that oftentimes people favor one or the other: justice or peace. You might hear someone call for peace by saying, “Can’t we all just get along?” Meanwhile, others demand justice by saying, “The offender must be held accountable!”

Even as you and I look at our own personal leanings, we could probably see that we tend to be ready to either call for justice or call for peace. It takes intentionality for all of us to remember that there is an intimate relationship between the two. You can not reach peace without justice being delivered, and, at the same time, the work of justice is incomplete if it does not lead us toward peace.

Maybe today as we reflect on justice and peace and the change we want to see in the world, we can ask the Lord to increase our capacity to carry both of these expressions of His love into our kingdom work here in this world. His love is seen when these two kiss.


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