I love words! I love to read them. I love to write them. I love to sing them. In my 35 years as a marketing and advertising professional, I have devoted thousands of hours to selecting just the right word to convey just the right message. Here is what I’ve learned: Words. Are. Powerful.

Over the past several years especially, we’ve all seen how words can be used to mock, hurt, and discredit others. But today, I want to focus on the positive and restorative power of words.

Proverbs 16:24 says “Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy to the body.” And Proverbs 18:4 says “A person’s words can be life-giving water.”

Did you catch that? Sharing a kind word with someone is actually good for your health—and theirs. Science confirms this. Apparently, showing and receiving kindness releases the hormone oxytocin which reduces blood pressure, improves overall heart health, increases optimism, and boosts self-esteem.

And here’s the best part. You don’t have to be an accomplished writer or speaker to bring happiness and health to others with your words. Sometimes all it takes is a simple three-word statement.

During the height of the pandemic, one of my colleagues touched my heart and changed my perspective with these three words: “I appreciate you.” I was tired, stressed, and burned out, working seven days a week and secretly wondering if anything I was doing made a difference. When she spoke those words to me, with sincerity, I was instantly undone. My eyes filled with tears. My energy was restored.

Jesus, THE greatest orator and storyteller of all time, was able to express incredible things using very few words. “You are healed.” “Father, forgive them.” “It is finished.” “Feed my sheep.” We can do the same.

Friends, it’s been a difficult two years. We’ve been covering our faces with masks. Elbow bumps have replaced hugs and handshakes. Now more than ever, our brothers and sisters need encouragement, connection, and a few kind words.

So pick up your phone and send a text, make a quick call, or just walk over to someone sitting in the room with you right now. As we strive to be mature and mighty in Christ, let’s use the powerful tool of words to speak life, hope, and love into the lives of others.


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