Chances are you’re waiting on God to do something. If you’re reading this while single, you may be waiting for God to bring you a mate. If you’re married, you may be waiting for God to bless your union with an additional human or maybe some wisdom to navigate the process of becoming one with your spouse. Maybe you feel defeated from a circumstance or situation, awaiting God to fight on your behalf to restore justice. You could be brokenhearted, could be suffering from an ailment or injury, or you could be mourning a loss and awaiting God to restore your faith, touch your body, or touch your weary soul. Waiting is the part of the Faith Walk that is likely everyone’s least favorite activity.

I get it. I’ve been there. I am there.

Waiting can be exhausting. Waiting can challenge your faith. Waiting can make you question if the thing that you once believed God with all your heart, mind, and soul for is actually going to come. It can make you question if the want is truly God’s will for your life.

Patience is a fruit of the Spirit but it is certainly one that we wish would sprout without the waiting game. Ironically, fruit is yielded from a seed being planted into the soil and… waiting. Old folks will tell you, “God may not come when you want, but He’s always right on time.” I don’t know about you, but there have been times in my life when I’m sick of that phrase.

Sometimes, I really need God to come right now. Sometimes, I feel that if He doesn’t come right now, He never will. But that is contrary to the process of the seed, isn’t it? To take it a step further, God didn’t show up in those times and it wasn’t my demise. It likely wasn’t yours either.

In Habakkuk 2:3 (ESV), it reads, “For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end — it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.” The verse offers the Believer a reassurance to calm our souls.

It will not lie.
It will surely come.
It will not delay.
If it seems slow, wait for it.

If that doesn’t calm you, let me show you something else that may offer consolation. The word, “appointed time” is the Hebrew word, moed. Among other things, it speaks of a congregation, a signal, or a place of meeting. This word is first used in Genesis 1:4 after God created the sun, moon, and stars for times, seasons, and days. When God announced His Holy Convocations to the Nation of Israel, this moed is also present. The Hebrew equivalent to the notion of “Alpha and Omega” is “AlephTav,” and according to the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon Bible Dictionary, it references “a you being pulled to a me.”

The waiting we are enduring is literally, a coming to Jesus moment. A moed is a place of meeting, it’s an assembly and congregation, and it is a Holy Convocation set apart for you to meet Jesus! No, I don’t mean Jesus riding on the clouds of the heavens, but rather Jesus breaching the cloudiness in our vision, breaking through as the Light of the World when we couldn’t pierce through our own darkness. The appointed time has already been established in the heavens and God has each of us on a collision course with the fulfillment of every promise, even when that course takes longer than we are willing to endure. God declares to Habakkuk that it hastens to the end. It hastens, family. It hastens.

While you are waiting to see your expected harvest, I encourage you to imitate the posture of a farmer: planting the seed, nourishing the seed, and expecting the increase. Speak life over the seed. Discontinue suffocating its life by sucking the air out of the process. Know that it is so, even while it is not here because it is already so in Heaven. Your Father has deemed it so. Your Father spoke His Word and His Word is Jesus, and Jesus is alive… and so is your appointed time.


Anthony Patton leads the Leverage Young Adults group at Bridgeway. If you are interested on getting connected you can find more information about their group here.



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