Talking with God can be a bit complex, at least that’s how I found myself approaching it. Once I chose to invite Jesus Christ into my life and accept all that He did for me on the cross, I was on my way to knowing God. I was determined to read His word and was seeking what it meant to grow close to God. I love to read, so I knew it would all be easy breezy…right?

Not so fast! Although reading is natural and a pleasure for me, prayer would prove to be more of a challenge. Critical thinking and prayer don’t really flow together in my mind. I struggled because I focused more on the words rather than just expressing what was on my heart. My mind would not wrap around the thought that a Holy God, who is the Creator of all and all powerful and perfect, would want to hear from me. It was overwhelming to comprehend.

Prayer became intimidating instead of intimate and personal. I was bothered. I wanted to communicate with God. How can talking be my problem? I have plenty of words and I know how to use them. Ask anyone who really knows me! 

I reflected on the Bible and noticed that in the Psalms, David talked to God all the time, Jeremiah cried with God, and Jonah even yelled at God. Praying is talking to God, and prayer in the Bible has always been essential to knowing God more deeply. God knows that I enjoy talking, engaging, being included, and participating, as I have always done in life with family, friends, and within small communities.

I had to make the connection that God calls us to commune with Him. He created community. He desires community with everyone He loves and with anyone who wants Him.

As I learned to understand that talking to God is prayer, and to pray is to commune with God, it became clear that God welcomes me to commune with Him. My prayer this season for our church is for us to be in community. We should be in complete community as we approach our new season at Bridgeway Community Church. Join us! Find a place within our church body and pray about where God will use you. Our church has opened its doors, so walk through them and be present. Meet someone new, connect, pray, and let’s reflect the community of God… together.

I am excited to be leading and supporting two ministries this year. Everyone is welcome and my prayer is for us to engage and grow in community. Great Sermon Conversations will be held three nights a week, serving and welcoming anyone who would like to engage in conversations about the sermons God gives to our beloved pastor, Dr. David Anderson and clergy team. I am also the new leader of the Hispanic and Latino group, Latinos Connecting For Christ. We will be holding events to gather anyone interested in celebrating the Latin culture for Jesus.

Let’s be mindful and prayerful about talking to God and engaging with each other, and let’s build community. I’ll see you there!



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