On a recent family vacation, we spent time with with four generations of people living under the same roof in a beautiful setting surrounded by water, loving every moment. Overtly there was nothing stressful about it, but in my mind I was fearful that my mother would get COVID. She is over 80 years old, and truth be told, it has been one of my greatest fears for over two years.

How do we live our lives to the fullest when we still experience fear?

As I seek God through prayer and trust in Him, He guides me toward that which is good and away from harm. I must remember that my experiences are a manifestation of sin in the world. The Good News is the story doesn’t end there. We have a Redeemer, so I shift my focus to the goodness of God. I shift my focus from fear of what might happen to trust in the goodness of God all around me.

That vacation reminded me to change my outlook. Staring at the water, I began to feel the sun on my face, notice the sun always rises and sun sets, and listen to the waves gently crashing on the shore and going back out again. The sights and sounds of our Creator were all around me, and it was beautiful.

“I AM the Lord your God who…pulls you out of deep waters (Isaiah 43:2). I am with you until the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). “God is sovereign in His creation” (Romans 9:15).

When I feel afraid, I take time to praise God for the air I breathe, good health in my body, a family who loves one another, and a Redeemer who saved us all from sin. While I exist in a world surrounded by hurt, judgement, and the threat of health challenges, it’s not the end of the story. I can choose to focus on the power and strength of my Redeemer.

“Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:3-4).

You can’t have two simultaneous thoughts at the same time. The more I focus on Jesus and His goodness, the more I focus on what is right with the world and how to point others to do the same.


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