God is moving. Are you ready? Are you prepared to see the power of God move miraculously in and through your life?

I have been in ministry for approximately thirty years, and during this time, I have learned that when it comes to ministry, it’s a matter of disposition – a matter of our character, attitude, and outlook. God is always moving; He does so with and without our cooperation. But there is something powerful about coming alongside God’s plan with an attitude of deference and determination towards what the Spirit of God is doing.

  • David ran towards the battlefield when he defeated Goliath. (1 Sam 17:48)
  • Besides Jesus, Peter walked on water toward the Lord. (Matt 14:29)
  • The woman with the issue of blood had to push through the crowds to get to Jesus and be healed. (Luke 8:43-44)

These are a few stories out of many in the Bible of everyday people who had an encounter with God because of their faith and disposition. With a posture of obedience, they stepped forward, trusting in God’s plan. God did not save us so we could sit on the sidelines of the battlefield, stay in the boat, or remain on the edges of the crowd. We are not meant to be bench-warming Christians.

In my 30 years of ministry, I have seen too many churches that talk a good talk about reaching the hurting world. Still, when you look at their programs, they are self-focused, self-centered, and designed to keep the existing believers fed, entertained, involved, and busy. This is not Bridgeway; this is not who we are.

As we prepare to reach our community, our culture & our world for Jesus Christ, we need your disposition to be one of determination and commitment. We need you to say yes to the Lord and partner with us in ministry. Nothing is more powerful and contagious than having a passion for the Lord. “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:11-12, NIV).

“Even the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45, NIV) If you are ready to see the power of God move miraculously in your life, position yourself to serve. Please subscribe to our Local Outreach Group by clicking on this link, and we will reach out to you within the next few days with additional ways to be involved. Let the Spirit of God move you into a place of action!!!

May the Lord bless you, and I look forward to advancing the Kingdom of God alongside you.

Eli Hernandez
Associate Pastor of Outreach & Facility Logistics


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