I love to garden. I love to get my hands deep in the dirt to plant.

I first till the soil, loosen it up, add some compost, and when I am finally satisfied that it is ready, I plant either bulbs, seedlings, young plants/flowers or shrubs. I then gently cover it up with the prepared soil, add some mulch for protection, and then finally give it all a good dose of water.

I tend to my garden by making sure that it is properly watered, weeded, fertilized and even treated with pesticides when necessary. It is a lot of work. But when my plants grow, flowers bloom, or vegetables ripen for pickings, I get enormous joy and satisfaction that my time and effort have produced such beauty!

I garden to beautify my home and surround myself with God’s beautiful creation. It often centers and relaxes me when the days have been hectic and stressful, and I marvel at His handiwork. Only God could have created such beauty!

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse” (Romans 1:20).

I often speak to God as I tend to my garden. I talk to Him about my family, friends, health, finances, complaints, thanksgivings and concerns. I find answers to my prayers in His creation. For example, I have three planters on my deck where I planted one of my favorite flowers, Casablanca lilies. I planted about 15 bulbs in these planters four years ago. I put the bulbs in the planters because we have a lot of deer in the neighborhood, and I didn’t want my flowers to be eaten by them before they had the chance to grow fully and bloom. I made sure the bulbs were in well prepared soil, watered regularly, and tended to throughout the season.

A few months later, I noticed the stems begin to form little buds at the ends. When the buds finally bloomed, I couldn’t believe the beauty! The flowers were huge, brilliantly white in color, and emanating a breath-taking fragrance!! I don’t think my family noticed or enjoyed them as much as I did. But it was ok with me because I was able to experience God in them!

Each year, my lilies have multiplied and havegrown taller with more buds! I have contemplated relocating them out into my yard since I now have a fence to keep the deer out. But this may not be the right time.


There are so many things I need to consider before relocating these gentle gifts from God. Is the soil right? Is the season right? Are they strong enough to survive the transition? Are their roots long and sturdy enough to hold them? So many questions! But as the gardener, I can see past one day on the hot deck or one day of too little water when my lilies seem not to be thriving. I can see the big picture and know when a situation is temporary or when it’s the right time to make a change. 

At times I feel like my life may need a change too. I feel unsettled, anxious over unmet responsibilities, and think a drastic change would make everything better. But if I rashly make a decision to change without waiting on my Gardener who sees the entire landscape of my life, I miss out on His involvement, His wisdom, and His protection. I often forget God is tending to me like I tend to my garden. He provides for my daily needs, protects me from harm, and shows love through my family and friends.

Sometimes you may be like me, thinking that you need a change or that the divine Gardener is not tending to you because of your current situation. Today, you can be confident that God knows every stage of your life and He is tending to every aspect of your development, spiritually, emotionally, and even mentally. He is actively involved in the care of your development inside and out. Even when our human eyes can’t see progress, He is working.

Take refuge in knowing that the Gardener of your soul cares for you and that you are, indeed, blossoming. It may be slow and there may be tough days, but you can trust God that you will turn out beautiful in the end.

“He who began a good work for you will complete it until the day of Christ” (Philippians1:6).


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