As our ministry year comes to close, I pray that each one of you has been profoundly blessed by all that we have accomplished together this year. It is only because of your hard work and dedication to Bridgeway that we have been able to achieve so much and “Make It Better.”

One of the highlights for me this year was the re-release of the new Gracism book with Pastor Dave Heiliger. Speaking about race can be something that fills a room with tension. What Gracism does is give you a positive way of entering the conversation that many other books and concepts won’t allow you to do. In this latest publication, we added the 8th saying, “I Will Heal With You!” It comes from 1 Corinthians 12:26a which says, “If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it.” This means we are called to empathize with the pain of another and walk empathetically with the injured party. Back in September I shared that our world was in need of healing, and I still believe this is true.

Just a few weeks ago Pastor Dave and I hosted the Gracism Book Launch & Signing at the Columbia campus where we talked about why now, more than ever, the 8th Saying of a Gracist is so important. From the COVID-19 pandemic to the murder of George Floyd to the political attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021, our world is in need of healing. 

I am so thankful for all those who were present not to only celebrate the launch of the book but to be part of a conversation where we could speak openly about how to build bridges in our community and practically live out the sayings of a Gracist.

Perhaps you have had or heard some of these questions:

  • What is Gracism?
  • How does Gracism equip us to have conversations about race?
  • How do you apply the 8 Sayings of a Gracist, especially in a secular environment?
  • Can anyone be racist?
  • How do we deal with disappointment when we do not see social change?
  • How can we help?

We had honest and open conversations about these questions and more at the book launch. For those who couldn’t attend the event, I want to share this conversation with you. It’s a fresh approach to deeply rooted challenges that’s positive, palatable, and substantive. My prayer is that you gain new insight and consider how you can be a part of the healing of our communities.

As we head into the summer and celebrate what God has done as well as eagerly anticipate what He will do next, I pray you don’t stop holding on to God and holding onto your faith. Don’t let the end of the ministry year be the end of “Making It Better.”

Wishing God’s best for you all,

Dr. David Anderson


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