My peace broke.

I’ve had this Christmas “PEACE” ornament for years, but the other day, as I was trying to put it on the Christmas tree, I dropped it, and it fell apart. I’ve actually dropped three ornaments this year while trimming our tree – a new record. One is shattered beyond repair, one is not worth repairing, but this “peace” ornament… this one hits a little too close to home, seeing it broken apart. I stared at it on the ground for a bit, feeling the irony of the moment.

Broken “peace.”

You may feel like this sums up your life right now. I can relate to that. I have been battling for my peace this year. Even that is ironic…battling for peace.

The world is battling, too. From the devastation of war in Ukraine and Israel to human rights, poverty, global health, climate change, and economic inflation, things are not as they should be. We feel it in our personal lives with circumstances out of our control and racing thoughts of fears and worries. Sometimes it’s just really hard to quiet down our inner chaos because of all of the outer chaos.

Ever been there?

Here’s some good news: Real peace can be ours, and it’s NOT fragile.

Why? Because it’s not ours to begin with! We have access to a different kind of peace – the peace of Jesus. His peace is unshakeable, and He gives it to us for the asking.

You do not have to muster courage. You do not have to maintain a mask. Peace is not a display of a serene countenance when you feel the opposite. The peace of Jesus is within you. It’s a gift from God that is yours to receive. 

If we allow it in, it will take over deep inside of us where our emotions and spirit mingle together. It will lift us, secure us, and steady us despite anything happening in or around us. This mysterious, gorgeous peace is not of this world and not of our making. It comes only by surrendering to the One who gives it. As we let go of our imaginary sense of control and trust in God’s faithfulness and we are still and humble before the Lord, we will receive the peace that only He can give.

Try this: Take your broken peace to God today and exchange it for the real thing. Hold your hands open and offer up the broken peace you’ve been carrying. Ask the Lord for the peace of Jesus. May you be overwhelmed and surprised by just how strong real peace really is.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (Jesus, John‬ ‭14‬:‭27‬ ).

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Paul, Philippians 4:7).

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