Handling Conflict Healthily

October 29th

We have all been raised in different ways. The way we handle conflict as adults can often be tied to how it was handled in our homes growing up. In addition, learning how to “fight fair”, can smooth out relationships  instead of causing them to end in contempt and pain.

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Handling Money Wisely

November 5th

Money matters in singleness, marriage, and in families. Our ability to manage and leverage money to insure financial stability is critical to a life of success within and beyond one’s family. Learn how handling money wisely can limit stress and pressure in your life.

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Handling Aging Realistically

November 12th

As families grow together from stage to stage, many middle aged families realize that they are facing the stresses of being sandwiched between caring for children and aging parents at the same time. Many single adults are facing singleness in their older years with the dynamics of elder care for family members and living alone.

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