The Lord's Model Prayer

June 16th - August 11th
This summer, the clergy and other bible teachers within Bridgeway will be teaching on the Lord’s Model Prayer from Matthew 6:9-13. They will examine the nine points of Jesus’s prayer that he taught his disciples, line by line, when the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray.

The Paternity of God

Our Father

In this Father’s Day sermon, Pastor David Heiliger and Dr. Steve Hardnett kick off our “Summer of Prayer” series where we will learn about the Lord’s Prayer from our diverse clergy team. We will learn the importance of understanding God as “Our Father” as taught by Jesus in the Lord’s Prayer, highlighting the personal, providing, and peacemaking heart of God the Father. Pastor David and Dr. Hardnett encourage us to reflect these attributes in our own lives and relationships.

The Proximity of God

Who Art In Heaven

Today we hear from Pastor Will Eastham and Minister Juan Delgado on “The Proximity of God” as we continue our Summer of Prayer series. We will learn about the example of prayer set by Jesus, the need for genuine and intimate prayer, the trust in God’s response, and the communal aspect of praying together. Their sermons aim to deepen our understanding and practice of prayer, encouraging a move from a mechanical or anxious approach to one characterized by sincerity, intimacy, and faith.

The Person of God

Hallowed Be Thy Name

Today we continue our “Summer of Prayer” series with sermons from Kevin Turpin II and Minister Ronald Greene. These sermons on “The Person of God” emphasize God’s constant presence and supreme power, and focus on worshiping God for who He is rather than for what He can provide.

Come worship with us as we continue to learn from The Lord’s Prayer and how to connect our prayer, praise, and worship to the God who is holy forever.

The Program of God

Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done

This week in our “Summer of Prayer” series, Pastor Gary Coiro and Minister Tracey Tiernan Coiro are bringing sermons on “The Program of God.” They are teaching on the anticipation of Christ’s return and the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth, urging us to submit to God’s will and seek His guidance in our lives. We will be encouraged as we learn to prioritize God’s plan, resist worldly influences, and engage in spiritual practices that align with God’s will.

Come join us as we sing about our great God and dive deeper into The Lord’s Prayer!

The People of God

On Earth As It Is In Heaven

“A Summer of Prayer” continues with a word from Pastors Dave Michener and William Jin on “The People of God.” By living transformed lives, showing the world God’s love, and overcoming life’s hardships with God’s strength, we can can help make God’s kingdom visible “on earth as it is in heaven.”

Join us as we celebrate communion and sing about the goodness of God!

The Provision of God

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

Only a few weeks left of our “Summer of Prayer” series! This week, Pastor Eli Hernandez and Minister Lisa Bryson will teach us about God’s provision, continuing to teach from the Lord’s Prayer to highlight how God meets our physical and spiritual needs. These sermons remind us to trust in God’s provision, both for basic necessities and spiritual sustenance, and to see His hand at work in all aspects of our lives.

Join us as we worship the God who provides!

The Pardon of God

Forgive Us Our Trespasses As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us

Today we hear from Pastor Sandy Pope and Elder Marvin Beard on The Pardon of God. They will teach how forgiveness is not just a one-time event but an ongoing process that restores and maintains our relationship with God. These sermons will show the importance of personal reflection, repentance, and the acceptance of God’s grace, encouraging us to live transformed lives marked by forgiveness and grace.

Come join us as we worship together and learn about Bridgeway Missions around the world.

The Protection of God

Lead Us Not Into Temptation, But Deliver Us From Evil

In this week’s “Summer of Prayer” sermon, Dr. Jared Sorber and Frank Eastham teach on “The Protection of God.” We will learn about the importance of recognizing spiritual warfare and actively engaging with the armor of God to stand firm against spiritual battles. There is a peace that stems from trusting in His protection and obeying His commands!

Come challenge your faith, pray, and build community together as we learn more about the Lord’s Model Prayer

The Power and Praise of God

For Thine Is The Kingdom, The Power, And The Glory Forever and Ever

Today we close out our Summer of Prayer series with a word from Dr. David Anderson on “The Power & Praise of God.” Together we will learn the significance of recognizing God’s ultimate authority and the transformative power of praise in prayer. Dr. Anderson breaks down the Lord’s Prayer into four practical patterns, highlighting the importance of starting and ending prayers with an affirmation of God’s character, the communal nature of prayer, and the powerful shift from focusing on evil to praising God.

Praise is a spiritual weapon! Prepare your hearts for praise through worship, communion, prayer, and community in today’s service.