Seven months ago, I moved to Maryland and joined the employee team at Bridgeway. Maryland is my fourth state and seventh address since moving out of my mother’s house less than ten years ago. Moving comes with a mix of emotions for me. There’s the sadness of leaving my community, church, and work. There’s the excitement of experiencing new adventures, discovering new places, and meeting new people. This latest move had a new level of change I had never experienced before: my husband and I began our life together under one roof as newlyweds. 

Let me be honest with you. This most recent move and the challenges of the past few months have tested me like never before, even surpassing the difficulties of my upbringing in an unhealthy household. I’ve been on autopilot, merely surviving, and adapting to a new lifestyle, a new job, and a new state. As 2024 gradually inched closer, I started praying for my “Word of the Year.” This was not new for me because ever since college, I have asked God to give me a word that brought me renewed focus and hope for positive change for the coming year. 

One night during the week after Christmas, I woke up with the phrase: “find purpose.” After praying over it for a few days, it became unmistakably clear that God wants me to find purpose in 2024. I am determined to find purpose in my daily life, embracing significance in every small action. I need to remember that every step is interconnected, and I know God sees me and guides every aspect of my journey.

While the idea of finding purpose sounds wonderful, what does it truly look like? I have asked God this very question. He has been revealing to me the significance of seemingly mundane tasks – from taking out the trash, drinking enough water every day, and even keeping the ice trays filled in my freezer. In addition, God also reminds me that it is critical to schedule times to reflect on Him in wonder and marvel at His greatness. 

In my post-graduate program, I have discovered the rich tradition of Christians utilizing the Christian Calendar for life alignment, reflection, and thanksgiving. Gratefully, as I delve into its teachings, God has directed me to incorporate this profound tool into my own life, fostering a deeper sense of reflection and gratitude. 

Epiphany (January 6)

Starting in January, the Christian Calendar marks the season of Epiphany. Epiphany is dedicated to reflecting the arrival of the Magi who visited Jesus (Matthew 2:11) and the baptism of Jesus (Matthew 3:13-17). This season serves as a time for contemplation, focusing on the revelation of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, the Savior, and the Son of God. It stands as a powerful reminder of the profound truth of Christ’s deity. 

Lent (the 46 Days before Easter Sunday)

In February, the Christian Calendar brings us to the solemn season of Lent. Lent is a period dedicated to profound reflection on the crucifixion (Mark 15:16-32) and the extraordinary sacrifice that Christ made for us. It extends into Holy Week, culminating on Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Lent serves as a soul-stirring reminder of the depth of Christ’s love and the significance of His sacrifice. During this time, we are inspired to reflect upon our own lives, repent, and draw closer to God’s grace. 

Easter and Ascension Day 

Following Lent, we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection on Easter (Luke 24:1-12). This marks His triumph over death and the promise of eternal life. Forty days later, we observe Ascension Day when we commemorate Christ’s return to heaven (Acts 1:1-11). Together, Easter and Ascension Day represent our opportunity for redemption and renewal and remind us of the divine power of Christ.


Seven weeks after Easter brings us to Pentecost, a day that is personally one of my favorite days to reflect on. This marks the day the Holy Spirit filled the first church and reminds us of the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit that accompanies us in our journey (Acts 2:1-13). The Holy Spirit is our constant companion, guiding and strengthening us on our Christian walk.


The Christian Calendar concludes with the season of Advent, which begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. This time of anticipation carries a profound sense of hope. It invites us to reflect not only on Christ’s first coming (Luke 2:1-20) but also on the promise of His second coming (John 14:3-4). Advent, with its blend of reflection and expectation, instills in us a hopeful spirit that relies on the fulfillment of God’s divine promises.

I understand that certain traditions might carry a stigma for some. If that is the case for you, I urge you to approach the Christian Calendar with an open heart, letting God break any preconceived notions. These days and seasons are sweet opportunities to set aside intentional time for worship and reflection on God’s sacrifice for us, bit by bit. As I challenge myself to find purpose in 2024, I extend the same challenge to you. Take a moment to ask God how you can incorporate moments of reflection and thanksgiving into your life. May this be a journey of rediscovery and grace for us all.

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